
COVID slips: Are they doing any good or being a part of an infodemic?

Since the health infrastructure is not able to support the increasing population suffering from COVID , there are some hand-written and some created COVID slips being circulated over social media. These slips consist of a list of medicines to be taken up by COVID positive patients. To add the element of authenticity, the information is conflated with a reliable source like associating it with some doctor's prescription, hospital's guidelines or any other government authority, some of them being nibbed as doctor-forwards. . To people, when the message seems to be coming from a dignitary such as a doctor or an official with a great salutation, the information seems plausible. And not just the capacity of these posts, but also the choice of words like, “official’ in the forwarded content has a similar capacity. This psychological connection with a position hinders any person to verify the fact behind the message.  If not through officials, there are many fake messages like that of...

COVID-19: Some debatable questions that deserve answers and opinions

Ever since the global pandemic COVID-19 has hit the worldwide population, several questions deserve answers. Though it cannot be commented upon who shall be responsible for all circumstances and the situations, one thing is for sure, The pain is known to only the one who gets it.  It is possible someone someday may try to get to the bottom of the icebergs to find answers. And it is also possible, that they may be buried deep to be never found out. #1. Has the SARS-CoV2 virus been created in the laboratory? If yes, by whom and for what purpose? Whether the creator knew the mutations it can undergo and the potential harm it can cause?  However, this question has lost its significance today. Its time for the world to seek for treatment rather than hunting for source as a prime concern. But can reaching the source give us an insight into the treatment? #2. How many individuals and companies capitalized over the fears of people undergoing distress? #3. How unequipped and unprepare...

COVID-19: A hit to Economy

COVID-19 has not come as a physical hit, but it has blown up the minds too. People have come out of a materialistic zone. Undoubtedly, they will resume to it some day in near future. But, at least for now, people know what they need the most. Their buying capacities have been stroked hard. Moreover, the ones who have a good purchase capacity now know they cannot buy everything and at all times with money. It takes time for trends to change.

COVID-19: What are we doing vs What shall we do?

Panic over a global pandemic is often. But are we playing are roles well enough? In this time of despair, until SARS-CoV-2 disappears, all we need is to care and to be cared. Let the HUMAN in HUMANity prevail as the virus curtails. Please come up with your suggestions as to: How can our roles participate in these conditions of adversity? Can I, you or we be the change? If yes, how? If no, why?

World after COVID-19

"Life is JUST , Live it." -Anadi Dev Kaushik                    "Life is all about a cup of caffeine and a shot of wine both at nine. Get free from the word and the world of mine. Dive in deep to reach the divine." (My life, my rules but only till I'm alive) How do you see the world today? What could you do before the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) struck and cannot do now? What quaint picture can you draw for the post-COVID-19 world? COVID-19 is not the first pandemic the world has encountered. Many grave pandemics came and were dealt with. Every problem has a solution and with so many recoveries with the disease, the hope survives and why not? Sooner or later, the cure for COVID-19 will be served to mankind. We all have our roles to be played. But, this global pandemic is certainly different. First, for my generation, this is my first time. The fresh morning breeze, the melodious chirping of a variety of birds, clea...

Beacon of Hope for COVID-19: Treatments tested and tried (A Talk about Hydroxychoroquine)

Treatment options tried and tested: Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ): Ever since the recognition of SARS-CoV-2 has been identified in humans, the race for finding its treatment as well as its prophylactic therapy are being looked into. Since the toll is increasing day by day in not just a city or a country, but the whole world; the timely research and analysis is vital. Looking into the gravity of the grave situation and increasingly high numbers of people with contracted infections, finding the most effective treatment at the fastest pace is the top-priority. Trials and tests to find the effective cure for COVID-19 are on the global scale. The prophylactic vaccine is at least 6-12 months far from now. Until then, re-positioning the existing drugs based on risk-benefit ratio is crucial. The outcome in people who have contracted SARS-CoV-2 have suffered respiratory illness at sever levels. Hence, safety profile of any drug being tested needs commensurate focus as that on its efficacy. ...

Coronavirus (COVID-19): An insight

The newly arrived coronavirus has come as a turmoil. You see newspapers, news channels, social media all have the top stories highlighting the frenzy world. A small virus has changed the world landscape. What is COVID-19? COVID-19 is referred as the term for the infection resulting from the novel coronavirus also known as nCoV, official name being Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). So, SARS-CoV2 is the virus that causes the disease, COVID-19; both officially named on February 11, 2020. The virus was named by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses  (ICTV) on the basis of its genetic struct ure. And the disease obtained its name as COVID-19 by WHO  in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD).   Why COVID- 2019?  The disease caused by Coronavirus has come to be known as COVID-19(Cornoavirus Disease). So, people infected with cornovirus or the positive cases will said to have been diagnosed with COVID-19. ...